
Lgl 2320-150 the outside assignment is to prepare an


The outside assignment is to prepare an employee handbook for a fictional business of your creation. The business must be of sufficient size to be governed by the federal statutes discussed in the class and listed below. The handbook MUST include the following provisions or address the following issues:

1. A brief introduction to the company and an explanation of the company's business;

2. A disclaimer that the handbook is not to be considered an employment contract;

3. Preservation of the employment-at-will relationship;

4. Preservation of the employer's right to make changes to the handbook;

5. Family and Medical Leave Act;

6. Americans with Disabilities Act;

7. Sexual harassment policy;

8. Drug and alcohol policy;

9. Equal employment opportunity policy;

10. System of performance evaluations;

11. The company's policy with regard to use of computers and other information systems; and,

12. A place for the employee's signature acknowledging receipt of the handbook.

You may include other topics and provisions of your choosing.

You must cite at least one authoritative source for each of the provisions included in your handbook. The source may consist of a statute, a book dealing with employee handbooks, a web site, or some other acceptable source. It must be a source the instructor has access to in order to consult that source. You must use at least 15 different sources, and the sources must be listed in the form of end notes to the handbook.

The handbook is to be a minimum of eight pages, typed on eight W' x 11" paper, double-spaced, and should be stapled in the upper left-hand corner. Each page should have 1" margins on the top, bottom, right, and left of each page.

The cover page (not included in the minimum page requirement) should prominently reflect the name of the fictional company and identify the document as an employee handbook. Your name, the course name and number, and the semester should be listed at the bottom of the cover page. All pages should be numbered EXCEPT the first page.

Correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and neatness are components of your grade on this assignment, and errors of this nature will adversely affect your grade.

This outside assignment is due on the assigned date at the beginning of the class period. NO LATE TURN-INS ALLOWED. Early turn-ins permitted.

Some beneficial suggestions regarding drafting of employee handbooks may be found at the following web site:

https://2mediate.com/articles/employee handbook.html

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Dissertation: Lgl 2320-150 the outside assignment is to prepare an
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