Below you will find your last journal topic that is due next week wednesday, November 23, 2016 in class. This is the last one that you will be assigned! Please email me if you have any questions.
Last week Friday, Dr. Monisha Das Gupta, chair of the Ethnic Studies department, received an email message from a student that racist gratffiti had been written inside the men's bathroom at the Campus Center. The graffiti was "#black lives don't matter," and a photographic image of it was included in the email message to Dr. Das Gupta. That same day she emailed UH President David Lassner in which she requested that he send a message to the UH community condemning the graffiti. She also included a copy of the graffiti. He responded on Tuesday with an email message sent to students, staff and faculty but did not mention the graffiti. Instead, he wrote that, "We will not permit intolerance or harassment based on race, religion, immigration status, national origin, gender,
LGBTQ+ status or disability. We take pride in being our nation's most diverse university. We stand for aloha."
Is writing graffiti that "black lives don't matter" in a public space ethical or not? Support your position by applying one of our three ethical principles to this issue and demonstrate that you understand the meaning of the principle you select.
In deliberating on this ethical issue, consider how African American students would feel if they knew about this incident. Also, as a student at Manoa, consider how you feel about someone writing this graffiti at your campus.
Double spaces, two pages! Thanks