It is derived from a Greek word `Lexicon', meaning 'dictionary'. Each entry in the Lexicon is known as `Lexis' meaning `a word'. Lexicon is a dictionary of words of a language, arranged alphabetically giving meaning in another language. It is chiefly applied to dictionaries of Greek, Syrian, Arabic, Latin and Hebrew languages.
In recent years, the scope of a lexicon has been widened. There are two types of lexicon:
- The lexicon of a language or dialect and
- The lexicon of writers or individual works.
The lexicon of a language or dialect is concerned with semantics and etymology. The lexicon of any language forms a complex system. Its words are linked with one another-both, in sound form (i.e., homonyms and paronyms) and meaning (i.e., synonyms and antonyms). These groups of words form thematic groups, for instance, kinship terms, terms for means of transportation, etc. A lexicon of a language also includes words of different origins, borrowed and coined words adapted in the language after coming in contact with other people.