Please review the following: Coping with information overload in email communication: Evaluation of a training intervention by Roman Soucek, Klaus Moser and write a 7-12 page paper and just need help getting started with the following questions; please point me in the right direction and I can take it from there.
Question 1: What are the key research questions in this study?
Question 2: Do the study hypotheses rely on a theory or theories? If so, discuss one of these theories and explain how the theory has led to one of the hypotheses.
Question 3: Discuss levels of measurement of the key variables in this study.
Question 4: Discuss the study design.
Question 5: Discuss potential biases in this study, measurement errors, and validity issues.
Question 6: Are causality arguments appropriate in this study?
Question 7: What is your overall evaluation of the quality and effectiveness of this study? Provide criticism on the study design, and suggest possible ways to tackle such issues in future research.