
Levels of management or leadership personnel

Task: I want assistance in developing literature for the given in APA style:

1. The name of the companies which my study would be the centered around are:

The companies studied are centered around are the Denny's Corporations and Wal-Mart which face difficulties in cultural identities and income equality. Denny's Corporations and Wal-Mart offer an opportunity to measuring diversity issues with different vantage points. The recent news on company's challenges in managing employees, such as, the Denny's Corporation restaurant on prior negative allegations of racial indifferences provides a platform for further investigation to claims. The focus is on public listing of occurrences to challenges in diversity than the official company's website to ensure an accurate account of the internal interworking of issues.

2. By using the quantitative method what will gauge the best diversity formula by gathering numerical data from participants completing a questionnaire. In doing so, the method is in using a ratio assumption to the focuses on how many out of total participant's demonstrated a lack of diversity in the selected companies, i.e. 28 out 50 felt discrimination against employees either concerning positions, working conditions, or promotions. Then the ratio assumption that out of the 28 the gender specification and income salary levels can offer additional opportunity to measure the frequency to lack of diversity due to x (gender specification differences) and y ( the income salary levels that impact higher senior level management or lower level employees work teams / individuals). The quantitative method offers an opportunity to gauge the incoming data retrieved for measuring current companies lack thereof resources in place or needed to sustain positive diversity levels.

3. And answer these following questions:

Supportive to hypotheses on companies that performed or have effective diversity programs in place:

Required to answer:

1) How many times the company provided diversity focused programs?

2) What was the range of frequency encountering negative experiences within the workforce, in which, the human resources department quickly assisted in remedy to the problem by (1 -2 times) or (3 to 4times) of incidents occurring before resolution offered.

Supportive to hypotheses on companies that requires more focus on diversity

a) Is the lack of management in leading forward diversity focused programs serves towards a limited outcome of perspective in the last year? (try and think of the number of yes or no to the question that provides a quantity assessment)

b) How many levels of management or leadership personnel available for reporting lack thereof diversity? (try and think of the communication metrics that provides either successful methods or not successful in resolving diversity issues).

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HR Management: Levels of management or leadership personnel
Reference No:- TGS01870892

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