
Level-order traversal of the heap

Q1. Priority queue is implemented as a Max-heap. Initially it consists of 5 elements. The level order traversal of the heap is illustrated below:

10, 8, 5, 3, 2

Two new elements ‘1’ and ‘7’ are inserted in the heap in that order. Describe the level-order traversal of the heap after the insertion of such elements?

Q2. Determine the number of binary trees with 3 nodes which whenever traversed in post order give the sequence A, B, C? Draw all such binary trees.

Q3. Describe any two kinds of indexing methods.

Q4. Describe B+ tree. How is it distinct from B tree?

Q6. Write an algorithm to assess the postfix expression by using stack.

Q7. Illustrate the meaning of AVL tree? Create an AVL tree by inserting the given elements in the order of their occurrence:

H, I, J, B, A, E, C, F, D, G, K, L

Q8. Write brief note on any three of the given:

a) Radix Sort
b) Sparse matrix representation by using linked list
c) Huffman tree
d) Absolute and relative addressing

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Database Management System: Level-order traversal of the heap
Reference No:- TGS010659

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