Letter Patterns
Tongue Twister: Seven silly sheep slowly shuffled south. The set of letters for each question are from the alphabet. Determine the pattern used for each set of letters and write the next two letters in the pattern.
1. HDLHP_ _
2. KHPMU_ _
3. GCJFM_ _
4. VUWVX_ _
5. HLFJD_ _
6. VRWSX_ _
7. GBJEM_ _
8. OMKIG_ _
9. PSKNF_ _
10. XVTRP_ _
11. FGEFD_ _
12. MOQSU_ _
13. XUROL_ _
14. QLTOW_ _
15. TXOSJ_ _
16. SXPUM_ _
17. NLOMP_ _
18. UROLI_ _
19. VSPMJ_ _
20. RPNLJ_ _