
Lets try a quick exercise on intonation and emphasis i want

Let's try a quick exercise on intonation and emphasis. I want you to look into the mirror and say the following sentence three times, but each time emphasizing a different word.

"I have never seen anything like that before in my life."

  • The first time you say it, emphasize 'never'.
  • Then, emphasize 'anything.'
  • Then, emphasize 'life.'

How does the meaning, the impact, the message of this sentence change - just by placing emphasis on a different word?

What does each sentence mean, based on where the stress is placed?

Give it a try and post your reaction to the discussion forum. Will this help you be more cognizant of your emphasis and intonation moving forward? Why or why not?


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Business Management: Lets try a quick exercise on intonation and emphasis i want
Reference No:- TGS01366654

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