
Lets take a look at some scenarios where proofreading and

Writing and communication is such an important tool in your academic toolbox. If you're a clear writer, your audience has no problems in distinguishing your meanings, your purpose, and your support. But, if your writing isn't clear, then bad things can happen.

Let's take a look at some scenarios where proofreading and stop your readers mid-sentence. Choose one of these scenarios and comment on the best approach to fix the sentence and the ramifications of the proofreading issues.

  • U R constantly using text language in your English course.
  • You're messaging your significant other and you mention that they are "defiantly bautiful".
  • Your chose the topic, for your assignment sets in CIS105: "Dogs is better then cats".
  • You're getting into the Realty Business and you're listing your first house. In the listing you mention that the house "has a heated poo in the back yard."

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Business Management: Lets take a look at some scenarios where proofreading and
Reference No:- TGS02773624

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