
Lets suppose your current annual sales are s1 million you

Case Study- The Business of Social Media and Making the ROI Case-


1. Let's suppose your current annual sales are S1 million. You implement a social media strategy and begin generating $200,000 in revenue through your Facebook page. At the end of the year, your sales are still $1 million. Was your social media strategy successful? Why or why not?

2. Every social media strategy costs money to implement, and we listed a few of those costs in this case study. Create a more comprehensive list of social media strategy costs. Briefly describe each cost and identify it as either a fixed cost or a variable cost.

3. Suppose you have a successful business with a well-liked product. One day something goes wrong and you ship 100,000 defective products. Almost the entirety of your customer base is disgruntled. What social media strategy would you employ to help? Why? Would you be better off just "waiting for It to blow over or even "sticking your head in the sand"?

4. In the case study, we listed five steps to success. Identify two others and briefly describe them.

Short answer questions:

1. What is business intelligence? Why is it more than just information?

2. What is online transaction processing (OLTP)?

3. What is online analytical processing (OLAP)?

4. What is the most popular database model?

5. How are primary and foreign keys different?

6. What are the five important software components of a database management system?

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Management Information Sys: Lets suppose your current annual sales are s1 million you
Reference No:- TGS01032153

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