Let's say you randomly select 7 flights from 4 different airlines to examine if there are significant differences in on-time performance among the airlines. The dependent variable is the number of minutes that a flight is late (so a negative number means the flight is early, and a zero value means the flight was on-time). Here are the (hypothetical) data:
North-South Airline: 1, 2, 1, 0, -10, 2, -3 Southern Skies: 25, 10, 15, 5, -4, 0, 14 Central West: 15, 8, 5, 24, 8, 10, 8 Happy Flier: -10, -8, -3, 0, -24, -4, -2
State the null and alternative hypotheses using symbols and/or words. (this is the question I need help with)