
Lets re-think how we can present information use visuals

Visual Presentation Assignment Description

Let's re-think how we can present information. Use Visuals instead of Words - This assignment is inspired by Snapchat. Give me an oil story from any of the Lessons after the MidTerm.

Find 5 visual images beyond what is in the text, lessons, and videos provided to add visual illustration to one specific section of the readings.

This assignment will be submitted in Canvas.

Here are the requirements for this assignment:

  • Must keep all 5 pictures focused on one lesson.can be historical, can be from Flickr, online, scanned from a book, scanned from a newspaper, can be charts, graphs, something simple or flow charts. Must be A Visual!
  • One has to be something modern - taken / created in the past year
  • One has to be something you created - photo, drawing, graph
  • One has to challenge a normal or classic way of viewing the situation
  • Identify the chapter, and section that you are giving visual representation
  • Include citation for each image - including the one you create - take credit

Use Powerpoint to compile your visuals, and include a sources lists than explains where each visual came from or who created it. Must be saved and submitted as a pdf file. Or you could create a Prezi and just give the link in the drop box. No more than 20 words to explain each image.

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Business Management: Lets re-think how we can present information use visuals
Reference No:- TGS02270385

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