
Letnbspx1nbspxnnbspbe a random sample from a uniform

1. Let X1,..., Xbe a random sample from an N(μ, σ2).

(a) Construct a (1 - α)100% con?dence interval for μ when the value of σ2 is known.

(b) Construct a (1 - α)100% con?dence interval for μ when the value of σ2 is unknown.

2. Let X1,..., Xbe a random sample from an N(μ1, σ2) population and Y1,..., Ybe an independent random sample from an N(μ2σ2distribution where σ2 is assumed to be known. Construct a (1 - α)100% interval for 1 - μ2). Interpret its meaning.

3. Let X1,..., Xbe a random sample from a uniform distribution on [θ, θ + 1]. Find a 99% con?dence interval for θ, using an appropriate pivot.

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Basic Statistics: Letnbspx1nbspxnnbspbe a random sample from a uniform
Reference No:- TGS01290908

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