Let xn be a finite sequence that is nonzero for n n1 n2 and

Let x[n] be a finite sequence that is nonzero for n [N1, N2], and h(n) be a finite sequence that is nonzero n [N3, N4]. Answer the followings:

a. For fixed n, what is the range of k that makes h(n-k) nonzero?

b. What is the range of n for nonzero y[n]?

c. What is the range of n so that the product x[k]h[n-k] is zero?

d. What is the length of y[n]? (y[n] is the convolution of x[n] and h[n])

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Electrical Engineering: Let xn be a finite sequence that is nonzero for n n1 n2 and
Reference No:- TGS0624760

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