
Let wt be brownian motion find a nonconstant function f

Question 1 - Compute the stochastic differential dZ where

1.1 Z = eαt where α is a constant.

1.2 Z = eαw(t).

1.3 Z = X2(t), where X has stochastic differential

dX = αX(t)dt + σX(t)dW(t).

Question 2 - Compute the stochastic differential dZ where Z = 1/X(t) and

dX = αX(t)dt + σX(t)dW(t).  

Question 3 - Suppose Xn is a submartingale. Show there exists a martingale Mn such that if An = Xn - Mn, then A0 ≤ A1 ≤ A2 ≤ · · · and An is Fn-1 measurable for each n.

Question 4 - Suppose Xn is a submartingale and Xn = Mn + An = M'n + A'n. where both An and A'n are Fn-1 measurable for each n, both M and M' are martingales, both An and A'n increase in n, and A0 = A'0. Show Mn = M'n for each n.

Question 5 - Suppose that S and T are stopping times. Show that max(S, T) and min(S, T) are also stopping times.

Question 6 - Suppose that Sn, is a stopping time for each n and S1 ≤ S2 ≤ · · ·. Show S = limn→∞ Sn is also a stopping time. Show that if instead S1 ≥ S2 ≥ · · · and S = lim n→∞Sn, then S is again a stopping time.

Question 7 - Let Wt be Brownian motion. Show that eiuW_t+u^2t/2 can he written in the form 0tHsdWs and give an explicit formula for Hs.

Question 8 - Let Xt be the solution to

dXt = σ(Xt)dWt + b(Xt)dt,   X0 = x,

where Wt is Brownian motion and σ and b are bounded C functions and σ is bounded below by a positive constant. Find a nonconstant function f such that f(Xt) is a martin-gale.

[Hint: Apply Ito's formula to fat) and obtain an ordinary differential equation that f needs to satisfy.]

Question 9 - Suppose Xt = Wt + F(t), where F is a twice continuously differentiable function, F(0) = 0, and Wt is a Brownian motion under P. Find a probability measure Q under which Xt is a Brownian motion and prove your statement. (You will need to use the general Girsanov theorem.)

Question 10 - Suppose Xt = Wt - 0tXsds. Show that

Xt = 0tes-tdWs.

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Engineering Mathematics: Let wt be brownian motion find a nonconstant function f
Reference No:- TGS02413110

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