
Let the user restart the game if they want to

Using visual basic studio 2010, Create a math sorting game. A random number between 1 and 99 will be generated and displayed to the user. The user will quickly have to divide that number by 3, and come up with a remainder. The number is to be dragged and dropped into 1 of 3 listboxes, one for remainder 1, one for remainder 2, and one for remainder 0 (or no remainder). Be quick, though, because you only have 20 seconds to answer as many as you can.

If the user dropped it into the correct box, add the number to the listbox, play a happy sound, and generate a new random number.

If the user dropped it into the wrong box, play a sad sound, and let the user try again.

Once the time is up, display a summary screen showing the percentage correct, percentage incorrect, and the total questions answered.

On the summary screen, draw a pie chart showing percentage correct and percentage incorrect using the paint procedure of the summary form.

Let the user restart the game if they want to.

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Basic Computer Science: Let the user restart the game if they want to
Reference No:- TGS0117423

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