Let the seller beware has been converted into let the buyer

All are TRUE or FALSE questions:

1) Let the seller beware has been converted into Let the buyer beware in recent years.

2) Res Ipsa Loquiter shifts the burden of proof from the employer to the employee.

3) Parties to contracts are assumed to be dishonest.

4) Torts are always punishable under the Criminal Law.

5) Privity of Contract is not applicable to Merchant-Consumer transactions.

6) Merchants are permitted to limit their liability for consequential damages where it is not unconscionable to do so.

7) The best evidence rule only applies to criminal cases and torts.

8) Mitigation of damages is required because the law assumes that contracting parties are honest.

9) An illegal contract is void.

10) You may not sue in equity unless the remedy at law is inadequate to redress the wrong. (You may not sue in equity unless the remedy at law will not make you whole.)

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Reference No:- TGS0623311

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