
Let p be a nonzero polynomial with nonnegative coefficients


1. Real Analysis

(1) Let K be the family of all bounded sets in R. For every K ∈ K, denote by

diam K = sup{|x - y| : x, y ∈ K}

its diameter, and, for K1, K2 ∈ K, denote by

u(K1, K2) = inf{|x - y| : x ∈ K1, y ∈ K2}

their naive distance (which may well be zero). Prove that


defines a metric on K.

(2) Let f: R × R → R be a continuous function. Assume additionally that:

  • For every x ∈ R, the function fx: R → R defined by fx(y) = f(x, y) is a uniformly continuous function of y, and
  • For every y ∈ R, the function fy: R → R defined by fy(x) = f(x, y) is a uniformly continuous function of x.

Must f be uniformly continuous?

(3) Let a < b, let I be an open interval containing [a, b], and let f: I → R be a continuous function such that, for every c ∈ [a, b], the limit

f'+(c) = limx→c+(f(x) - f(c)/x - c)

exists (as a finite real number).

(a) If f'+(c) > 0 for every c ∈ [a, b], then prove that then f(b) ≥ f(a). (Hint: Use the Axiom of Completeness, also known as the Axiom of Supremum.)

(b) Prove the previous claim under the weaker assumption that f'+(c) ≥ 0 for every c ∈ [a, b]. (Hint: Construct another function that is very close to f in some sense and satisfies the condition of (a).)

(4) Let l1 1 be the set of all sequences a = (an)n=1(with real terms an) such that

n=1|an| < ∞.


d1(a, b) = n=1|an - bn| and       d2(a, b) = n=1(|an - bn|/2n)

are metrics on l1. Let

L = {a ∈ l1: an ≥ 0 for all n ∈ N, n=1an = 1}.

(a) Is L a closed set in the metric d1? Is it bounded? Is it compact?

(b) Find a sequence in L that converges to 0 = (0, 0, . . .) in the metric d2.

(c) Prove that, whenever (ak)k=1 is a sequence of elements ak = (akn)n=1 in L with limk→∞ d2(ak, 0) = 0 and (xn)n=1is a sequence of real numbers with limn→∞ xn = x, then

limk→∞ n=1aknxn = x.

2. Complex Analysis

(1) Let p be a nonzero polynomial with nonnegative coefficients, ? ⊂ C a bounded open region, ?¯ its closure, and  f: ?¯ → C a continuous function analytic on ?. Prove that the function p(|f(z)|) achieves a maximum on the boundary ∂?.

(2) Find the number of zeros of the function

f(z) = e1/(2(z-1)) + 2z4 - z

inside the annulus {z ∈ C: ½ < |z| < 1}.

(3) Let U = {z ∈ C: |z| < 1} and U¯ = {z ∈ C: |z| ≤ 1}. Prove that the series

f(z) = n=1(z3^n/3n)

converges for all z ∈ U¯, and that it defines a continuous function f : U¯ → C which is analytic on U but does not admit an analytic continuation to any connected open region V such that U ⊂ V and U ≠ V .

(4) Let T = ABC be a closed equilateral triangle in the complex plane. Denote by To its interior and by ∂T its boundary (the union of closed segments AB, BC, and CA), so that T = To ∪ ∂T.

Let ? be an open region containing T and let F? be the set of all analytic functions f: ? → ? such that f({A, B, C}) = {A, B, C} and f(∂T) ⊆ ∂T. Find the cardinality of the set F? and describe explicitly all functions in this set.

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Engineering Mathematics: Let p be a nonzero polynomial with nonnegative coefficients
Reference No:- TGS01483132

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