Math 121c: Topics in Geometric Combinatorics, Spring 2012 Problems-
Let M = (S, I) be a matroid.
(a) Prove that M∗ is a matroid.
(b) Prove that the rank function r∗ of M∗ is given by r∗(A) = |A| - r(M) + r(S\A), and conclude TM∗ (x, y) = TM(y, x).
(c) Show that if e ∈ E(M) is not a loop nor a coloop, then M/e and M\e are matroids.
(d) Suppose e ∈ S is not a loop nor coloop. Describe M∗, M\e, M/e if
- M is Ur,n with 1 < r < n.
- M is a linear matroid (i.e. M is consists of the columns of a matrix with entries in some field).