
Let l m m has an even number of states is l decidable give

Q1. Let L = {(M): M has an even number of states}. Is L decidable? Give a brief explanation for your answer.

Q2. Let L = {(M): L(M) has an even number of elements}. Is L decidable? Give a brief explanation for your answer.

Q3. Consider two languages L1 and L2 such that L1 ∩ L2 = Φ. Show that if L1- and L2- are both recursively enumerable, then there exists a decidable language L such that L1 ⊆ L and L2 ⊆ L.

Q4. Let 3-SAT-BOUNDED be defined as

3-SAT-BOUNDED = {Φ : Φ is a satisfiable 3-CNF and every variable appears in at most 100 clauses}.

Show that 3-SAT-BOUNDED is NP-complete.

Hint: Consider the CNF Φ = (x1 v x2 v x3) ∧ (x1 v x2 v x4). In this 3-CNF, the variable x1 and x2 appear in two clauses whereas x3 and x4 in one of the clauses. For the version of 3-SAT we showed to be NP-complete in the class, there might be a variable which can appear in say all the clauses, or half of the clauses. In order to prove 3-SAT-BOUNDED is NP-complete, show that given any 3-CNF Φ, there is an equivalent 3-CNF Φ' in which every variable appears in at most 100 clauses and Φ' is satisfiable if and only if Φ is satisfiable. Also, the number 100 is irrelevant. If you can do the reduction with a larger number (say 1000), I will accept that.

Q5.(a) Show that L = {(M)||L(M)| ≥ 2} is recursively enumerable.

(b) Show that L = {(M)||L(M)| =2} is not recursively enumerable.

Q6. A function f : {0, 1}* → {0, 1}* is said to be length-preserving if for all x ∈ {0, 1}*,|f(x)| = |x|. In other words, for any n, strings of length n get mapped to strings of length n under the map f. Further, assume that

  • f is one-one.
  • f is onto.
  • f is polynomial time computable.

Note that the first two bullets ensure that f-1: {0, 1}* → {0, 1}* is a well-defined function which is also one-one, onto and length-preserving. However, it need not be polynomial time computable. Further, let g : {0, 1}* → {0, 1} be another polynomial time computable function.

  • Prove that L = {y|g(f-1(y)) = 1} is in NP.
  • Prove that L = {y|g(f-1(y)) =1} is in NP.

Hint: Please make sure that your "proof" does not somehow require f-1 to be efficiently computable.

Q7.(a) Suppose you come up with an algorithm running in time 2O(√n) for 3-SAT (where the input length is n). Will it necessarily imply that for all L ∈ NP, L admits an algorithm of running time 2O(√n)? (where n is the length of the instance in L). Reason briefly.

(b) Suppose you come up with an algorithm running in time nO(log n) for 3-SAT (where the input length is n). Will it necessarily imply that for all L ∈ NP, L admits an algorithm of running time nO(log n)? (where n is the length of the instance in L). Reason briefly.

Q8. Let B = {(M1, M2)|L(M1)= L(M2)}. Show that B is undecidable.

Q9. Let L ∈ NP. If P = NP, is L- ∈ P? If P ≠ NP, is L- ∈ P?(justify briefly).

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Theory of Computation: Let l m m has an even number of states is l decidable give
Reference No:- TGS01599694

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