1. Let d be the daily demand from all orders, lC the average length of a rail car, q the capacity of a rail car and nCthe number of car changes per day. Estimate the length of rail dock lD needed by a warehouse.
2. Foral distributes electrical products and plans to build a new distribution centre, where the storage zone will accommodate 60 000 boxes. Goods will be stocked on conventional racks and transported by means of traditional trolleys.
Each rack has five shelves, and each of them has room for up to five stacked boxes. Racks will be arranged as in Figure, where vertical aisles are 1.5 m wide, while the horizontal aisles are 2.5 m wide.
Each box requires a square area equal to 50 × 50 cm2. Size the storage zone, under the hypothesis that the probability that the picker enters the storage zone from the first I/O point is p (0 ≤ p ≤ 1), whereas the probability is (1 - p) if he enters from the second I/O point.