
Lessons from art and design education the role of

Article - Lessons From Art and Design Education: The Role of In-Process Critique in the Creative Inquiry Process

Read the article carefully, making notes on the strengths and weaknesses of the author(s) assertions and the overall quality of the research. When you feel that you understand the article thoroughly, you are ready to outline the article, and write a critique. This process will help you to thoroughly understand, organize, and analyze the information from the articles.

After reviewing the information to follow, thoroughly reading the journal article, and outlining the article; write your critique, paying special attention to each of the following requirements. The body of your critique (Introduction - Conclusions) should be three pages in length (not including the outline or the cover page), typed, and strictly double-spaced.

1. Following the Article Critique Formatting Example, format a cover page for each Article Critique (this will be page 1). Your cover page will include an APA style reference for the article, as such, it is not necessary to include a separate reference page at the end of your Article Critique.

2. Your outline should follow the cover page.

3. Use appropriate headings (see Article Critique Content). The headings should be centered and bolded, using headline style capitalization. Do not include the roman numerals.

4. Appropriately address all required sections.

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