Less tightly dna affect rate of protein synthesis

1) What shape of mating square must be utilizes to sketch a cross between these parents: A1A2, B1B2 x A1A3, B3B4? (genes A and B are on the similar chromosome with some crossing over between them.)

i) 2 by 2
ii) 2 by 4
iii) 3 by 3
iv) 3 by 4
v) 4 by 4

2) What is the logic behind use of egg whites? How does this part of experiment relate to membranes?

3) For a cell to create proteins enzymes should access its genes when histones are customized with acetyl groups, their positive charges are neutralized so they enfold DNA less tightly. How could this affect rate of protein synthesis.

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Biology: Less tightly dna affect rate of protein synthesis
Reference No:- TGS013943

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