
Leonardo da vincis drawing named the vitruvian from the

Leonardo da Vinci's drawing named The Vitruvian from the 1490's. It is during the Italian Renaissance time. 

A March In The Ranks Hard-Prest and the Road Unknown by Walt Whitman is the literary piece that represents the difficulties in a soldier's life during wartime.

During the Italian Renaissance, Leonardo da Vinci drew The Vitruvian from the 1940s. This drawing is based on the ideal human proportions. A March

A March in the Ranks Hard-Prest and the Road Unknown by Walt Whitman is a literary piece that represents the difficulties in a soldier's life during wartime. Whitman was a nurse and had experienced the situation the soldier described in this poem.

Both pieces of art exhibit strength. In the drawing by da Vinci, the strength is displayed in the muscles in the human form. In the literary piece, the soldier displays strength in his willingness to go forward, despite the death and carnage he will encounter. Before the soldier when to join the others he thought to himself, "before I depart I sweep my eyes o'er the scene fain to absorb it all" This quote shows the strength the soldier displays in continuing into battle.

The differences in the pieces are where they draw the form. The human form is just physical muscles that give power and endurance. In the literary piece, the soldier draws on his strength from his emotions and his bravery.

The Vitruvian is the anatomy of the human body. In the literary piece, A March in the Ranks Hard-Prest, and the Road Unknown it is mentioned that the soldier was shot in the abdomen and describes the scene of soldiers who are slowly dying.

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