
Legalization or decriminalization of drugs

Task: Examine the relationship between morality and law using several different examples.

Respond to each question in 150 tp 250 words.

Question 1. Under what circumstances, if any, might the legalization or decriminalization of drugs be beneficial to society?

Question 2. Do you consider alcohol a drug? Should greater control be placed on the sale of alcohol?

Question 3. Do TV shows and films glorify drug usage and encourage youths to enter the drug trade? Should all images on TV of drugs and alcohol be banned?

Question 4. Is prostitution really a crime? Should a man or woman have the right to sell sexual favors if they so choose?

Question 5. Do you believe there should be greater controls placed on the distribution of sexually explicit material on the Internet? Would you approve of the online sale of sexually explicit
photos of children if they were artificial images created by computer animation?

Question 6. Which statement is more accurate:

(a) Sexually aggressive men are drawn to pornography because it reinforces their preexisting hostile drugs cause people to become mentally ill. He asks you to comment on other possible explanations. What you tell him?

Question 7. Are there objective standards of morality? Does the existing criminal code reflect contemporary national moral standards? Or are laws banning sexual behaviors and substance abuse the product of a relatively few"moral entrepreneurs" who seek to control other people's behaviors?

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Business Law and Ethics: Legalization or decriminalization of drugs
Reference No:- TGS01976593

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