
Legal status of company without company secretary - a

Question: Legal Status of Company without Company Secretary?.

The Company Secretary vacated the position of a Secretary by filing a form at the companies house by stating that '' I am giving notice to vacate the office of company secretary because i am unable to contact the directors of the company.

Four years later, the company was struck out from the registry. ( March 2011 )

Next, the contributors made an application under the companies act to reinstate the company onto the registry. During the application and while the company was struck out the audited financial statement were completed for the period of 10 years.The auditor issued unqualified audit report.

In November 2013, the company was reinstated without a company secretary.

Under the Malaysian Company Act 1965 - A company requires a minimum of 2 directors and a company secretary. The position of the company secretary if vacated must be replaced within 30 days.

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Auditing: Legal status of company without company secretary - a
Reference No:- TGS0925852

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