
legal perspective besides commercial necessity

Legal Perspective : Besides commercial necessity, documents for exports have a legal perspective. All over the world, laws regulating export-import trade as we11 as movement of foreign exchange have been enacted. In some countries, the regulations are few which are enforced through simple procedural and documentation formalities. In other countries, the regulations are many and the enforcement procedures are complex.

Why should there be regulations in foreign Made? There is perhaps no country in the world where movement of goods and money is absolutely free. The minimum regulations that one can think of is the one to record the movement of goods from and into a country. For this purpose, the exporter has to declare on a document the details of goods being exported by him. Other than these basic minimum requirements, the governments all over the world regulate movement of goods to protect political, economic, cultural and other inters its and for implementing trade agreements with other countries.

Some countries do not have political relations with the other. As a result, goods originating from such a country are not allowed to be imported. Thus, a country which does not permit flow of goods from certain countries has laid down the requirement of certificate of origin which states that the good are of the country which is exporting them For example some of the country in West Asia do not allow imports from countries of companies having any relation with Isral.

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Marketing Management: legal perspective besides commercial necessity
Reference No:- TGS0265146

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