
Legal environment of business-a managerial approach


Use Legal Environment of Business: A Managerial Approach: Theory to Practice, 2nd Edition (McGraw-Hill Higher Education).

Q1) Rowe was admitted to the hospital suffering from a critical illness. He was given emergency treatment and later underwent surgery. On at least four occasions, Rowe's two sons discussed with the hospital the payment for services to be rendered by the hospital. The first of these four conversations took place that day after Rowe was admitted. The sons informed the treating physician that their father had no financial means but that they themselves would pay for such services. During the other conversations, the sons authorized whatever treatment their father needed, assuring the hospital that they would pay for the services. After Rowe's discharge, the hospital brought this action against the sons to recover the unpaid bill for the services rendered to their father. Are the sons' promises to the hospital enforceable?

Q2) Metal made a contract to design a new earth-moving vehicle for Lamar, Inc. Metal was depending on the genius of Samet, the head of its research department, to design a new vehicle. Shortly after the contract was made, Samet was killed in a horrific gardening accident. Metal was not able to design the vehicle without Samet. Lamar sued Metal for damages and breach. Metal argues their duty to perform was discharged. Are they correct?

Q3) Joan, a bedridden, lonely 80 year old woman, owned Greenacre (her family estate) outright. Al, her doctor and friend, visited her weekly and was held to the highest regard by Joan. Joan was terrified of pain and suffering and depended on Al to ease her fears. Several months before her death she deeded Greenacre to Al for $5000. The value of the land was well-over $5,000,000. Joan's two children challenged the validity of the sale of the land to Al. Was it valid?

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Business Law and Ethics: Legal environment of business-a managerial approach
Reference No:- TGS02042445

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