
Legal document in which a person expresses in advance his


Legal document in which a person expresses in advance his or her wishes concerning the use of artificial life support or other medical treatments To be referred to should the person be unable to communicate such wishes at the end of life A living will usually goes into effect only when two physicians certify that a patient is unable to make medical decisions.

This document serves to protect the right of self-determination, including autonomy, personal choice and decision making, and independence of the individual.

This helps to protect the rights and wishes of the individual even if he or she is no longer competent, others have a different opinion, or the individual has no one to make decisions on his or her behalf.


Individual: Allows for the honoring and protection of their wishes concerning care at the end of life Physicians or providers of care: Wishes of the patient may or may not align with the provider's opinion for care or general care practices.

May involve ethical or moral dilemmas Conflict sometimes occurs between patient wishes and family wishes.

Physician is in the middle

Family: May or may not agree with their loved ones choices or decisions

May lead to emotional strain anda fight to have living will overturned or nullified (legal battle)


Grants another person authority to act in your behalf. Gives legal permission to someone else to act for you when you are unable to do so. A special power of attorney called "durable" is different from the regular one. The "durable" continues the agency relationship past when the patient is unable to help themselves (or they become incapacitated). Helps the patient to have legal representation inexpensively.

Rights Associated

To act in your behalf when absent; to act in your behalf when you are incapacitated; to act in your behalf in a certain specific situation. The first power of attorney takes over immediately as soon as the durable power of attorney is executed. The second "springs" into effect whenever a particular or specific occurrence happens, possibly like the inability of the patient to help themselves.
Who it affects & how

This type of document specifies a certain individual to make decisions for you when you are either not there to make them for yourself or unable to make them. Such as in the event of a hospitalization or surgery. It is to give help to loved ones when difficult decisions arise and you want your desires to be carried out. The durable power of attorney or powers of attorney have been created in order to help deal with those decisions that would either involve the patient's property management or their health care.

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Accounting Basics: Legal document in which a person expresses in advance his
Reference No:- TGS01235097

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