
Legal decisions on the lives of african-americans

Respond to the following questions. Make sure that the classmate response is substantial (5 sentences minimum)--be sure to add to your classmate's post. DO NOT attach documents to the thread:

In responding to this questions students need to keep in mind that these are "mini essays" more than "discussions". This is the only opportunity that students will have to demonstrate their command of the topics under discussion, so every student should make these responses count. This applies to the classmate response as well.

Inventory at least two (2) legal setbacks African-Americans faced between the years 1877-1896.

Examine the considerable impact of the legal decisions in question on the lives of African-Americans.

Next, illustrate at least two (2) methods in which African-Americans flourished in the face of legal setbacks during this same period. Provide a rationale for your response.


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Other Subject: Legal decisions on the lives of african-americans
Reference No:- TGS02106057

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