
Legal and ethical issues can arise in any organization

Q1.Consider an organization where you work, or one with which you are familiar. What is an issue within the organization that could benefit from applying ethical principles? How can these principles be used?

Q2.Legal and ethical issues can arise in any organization. How might these issues be different? What sort of relationship exists between the two? Provide an example of each from current events. What might the organizations involved have done differently to prevent these legal and ethical issues?

Q3.Think of an organization with which you are familiar. How has that organization's ethical policies changed as a result of external pressure? Provide examples.

Q4.XYZ School District is having budget issues and is facing the possibility of cutting some programs. How could one use ethical principles to address their budget issues?

Q5.After a series of public accounting violations and several lawsuits about hiring practices, ABC Corporation added an Ethics Hotline and Ethics training to its organization. What are some other ways that external pressures from its clients, media, and so forth, might change how it views organizational ethics?

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Other Subject: Legal and ethical issues can arise in any organization
Reference No:- TGS0521375

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