
Legal and ethical issues

Question 1: What are the significant provisions of AP private medical care establishment Act, 2002?

Question 2: State the latest amendments made to central births and deaths registration Act, 1969?

Question 3: Explain the duties and responsibilities of medical staff towards patients.

Question 4: Describe the diagnosis, prescriptions and administration of the drugs.

Question 5: Describe the remedies available to patients render consumer protection Act.

Question 6: Explain the formation of health care organization in public sector as company.

Question 7: Apollo hospital is located in Chennai. It is a multi-specialty corporate hospital. B. Murugan, resident of Chennai was admitted into the hospital and died after 30 days of treatment in the hospital. On hearing the news about the death of the patient, counselor approached the family members for donation of eye. Consequently, cornea was retrieved from the patient.

a) State the documents needed for the donation of eye.
b) What are the provisions of law relating to it?
c) Describe the legal parameters for eye donation.

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Business Law and Ethics: Legal and ethical issues
Reference No:- TGS04926

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