Answer the following and Give the brief explanations on the following topics:
Cooperative Education Information Form and Learning Contract:
I. Learning Outcome:(what the student plans to learn)To utilize oral and written skills to communicate as individuals and to function effectively as a team member.
Suggestions:participation in department or client meetings, keeping documentation, use of technology, follow
instructions and provide written feedback, journaling, networking opportunities, customer interaction
II.Learning Outcome:To demonstrate knowledge of importance of quality, timeliness and continuous improvement.
Suggestions:maintain excellent attendance and punctuality, meet deadlines, prioritize, familiarize with company mission and quality standards, apply new technical knowledge to new responsibilities, study training manuals, and conduct reseaech.
III.Learning Outcome:To gain exposure to activities that will prepare me to handle professional, social and global challenges in a diverse society.
Suggestions:participate in company training, research and attend professional organization meetings, identify and
work with a mentor.
IV. Additional Outcome(s):(Tailored to your specific job duties)