Learning Outcomes:
3. Analyse and evaluate the performance of analogue circuits and systems.
5. Use electronic computer aided design software for circuit design, simulation and evaluation.
6. Demonstrate skills associated with the observation, recording and analysis of results from practical procedures.
7. Write technical reports including references to various sources.
You are to build and test a Operational Amplifier circuit, and report on its performance as indicated by:
1) Appropriate circuit analysis techniques
a. you have been given the transfer function in class, but you need to calculate the corner frequencies and draw a straight line approximation for the frequency response
b. At low/medium frequencies, assuming that C1 is open circuit, show that
the gain of the circuit is given by . vo = 1+ • j - + R,) - arid calculate thevr 1+ jwC2R,
two corner frequencies.
2) Circuit simulations
3) Practical measurements in the laboratory
You will have 2-hour laboratory sessions and the following week in which to complete the assignment. Your completed assignment is due in by 4pm on Friday 2nd December. Standard penalties apply.
Your analysis/simulation/measurements should each cover the following:
1) Frequency Response
2) Limitations of output circuit: describe and report on calculations/simulations/tests which show:
a) Slew rate limiting
b) Output current limiting when driving a 100f) load
3) Conclusions on your findings
The specification for the amplifier is given overleaf, and will be different for each of you. You may assemble your amplifier on breadboard or solder it on veroboard. Note the requirements of the marking scheme