
Learning activity essentials of control as you may know the

Weekly post

I) Learning Activity Essentials of Control

As you may know, the controlling function is generally considered to be one of the key functions of Management. This Chapter raises and discusses some good issues related to the process of effective management control.

Briefly put, feedforward controls focus on preventing anticipated problems because they are used before the work activities that are of concern take place. Concurrent controls take place while work activities are in progress. Feedback controls are used after the associated work activities have taken place.

Question #1- As you think about an organization where you have worked or another organization that is suggested in the Week 7 materials, please discuss several types of controls (feedforward, concurrent, and/or feedback) that you think would be advisable/necessary to use as the organization pursues one or more of its important goals.

Question #2- Also, as you think about that organization's successes (or failures) in recent years, do you think that its use of one or more of the above general types of controls could have been more effective, better implemented, etc. ? If so, how do you think that the organization could have done a better job in one or more of these areas ?

II) Strategic Human Resource Management

In addition to the discussion in the Chapter for the concepts/areas that I mention, you may be aware that an important area in human resource management (HRM) today is the issue of sexual harassment (S.H.). So, in addition to the specific sections mentioned in the Overview Topicfor the Chapter, I thought it would be worthwhile, interesting, etc., to discuss the topic below.

As some of you may be aware, please note that (generally speaking) there are two types of S.H. These include quid pro quo (Latin for "this for that"), and this type deals with S.H. that is often explicitly linked to the terms and conditions of employment (for instance, a "date" with a supervisor for a desirable sales territory).

The second type is hostile work environment, and this is a broader concept. An example of this type of S.H. could be an employee forwarding a sexually explicit, "funny" email to all of the other employees in the department because s/he thinks this is cool and will break the dull routine in the office.

Please continue here to always be polite, upbeat, & professional as you respond to other students even if you disagree a bit with their position, perspective, etc.

Let's Assume that an organization that you are reasonably familiar with is having some problems with sexual harassment in its workplace.

Question #1- Do you think that employees in this organization who are alleged to have violated the company's sexual harassment policy should be "punished" immediately ? Why or why not ?

Question #2- Also, do you think that a zero tolerance policy is (in general) an appropriate method for combating and/or preventing sexual harassment? As you may know, a zero tolerance policy typically implies that there is little (if any) "forgiveness" for any violations of an organization's sexual harassment policies.

Again, please limit your individual response for this Topic's questions to 3 to 5 paragraphs.

part 3

First, review the 'triple constraints' of IT Project Management as covered in this week's reading "What is Project Management?"

That reading, in Learning Resources, covers the triple constraint.

Please address the following 3 questions:

What do you think is the most important of the triple constraints of project management for UMUC Haircuts? Explain briefly why you selected that constraint.

Discuss how you would ensure that this aspect was well addressed to maximize Myra's chance for success. Your main response is due by Thursday. Comments on classmates' postings are due by the end of the week

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Operation Management: Learning activity essentials of control as you may know the
Reference No:- TGS01071164

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