
Learning about literature

Literature 203 Module 4: Traditional Literature - Folktales and Fables
For this learning module students will be expected to read and provide evidence of reading Chapter #3 "Learning About Literature" and Chapter # 6 "Traditional Literature" from _Essentials of Children's Literature_ 7th edition. Students must also choose THREE FOLK TALES from three different geographical areas from pages 245-560 in _The Riverside Anthology of Children's Literature_ .
Module 4 Assignment 1
The purpose of this assignment is two-fold: 1) to introduce you to that body of literature included under the broad label of folktales (e.g. fairy tales, pourquoi tales, fables, legends, and myths); 2) to acquaint you with the variations of these tales. Read and fill out story sheets--see the model form below--for 3 folktales. Read a few folktales from at least three geographical regions represented in _The Riverside Anthology of Children's Literature_; then pick one tale for which you will fill out a story sheet. Make each section of the story sheet a good chunky paragraph if possible. You will follow this same procedure for each tale from 3 different geographical areas. Use college level mechanics. Do not misspell any words.

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Other Subject: Learning about literature
Reference No:- TGS0148911

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