Mathematics disorder, formerly called developmental arithmetic disorder, developmental acalculia, or dyscalculia, is a learning disorder in which a person's mathematical ability is substantially below the level normally expected based on his or her age, intelligence, life experiences, educational background, and physical impairments. This disability affects the ability to do calculations as well as the ability to understand word problems and mathematical concepts.
Read more at the following website: Mathematics disorder - children, causes, person, people, brain, skills, health, Definition
The following will be your task to complete this assignment:
a. Discuss the indicators used to observe learners with mathematical learning disabilities (MLD).
b. Explain using appropriate examples two teaching approaches that can be adapted to teach learners with mathematical learning disability.
c. Describe the necessary preparation in developing an effective program for mathematical learning disability students.
The following are some basic guidelines in completing this assignment:
• Write in your own words and do not copy and paste from other articles or books that you have read
• First, introduce what you understand by mathematical learning abilities. Try to explain as clearly as possible using some relevant definitions that you have read from some reading material.
• Discuss the indicators or characteristics of learners with mathematical learning disabilities. You must accompany this with good realistic examples.
• Explain the two teaching approaches that you have selected and give reasons why you have chosen these approaches.
• Finally, you need to plan a programme to help students in this category. Explain the necessary preparation to develop the programme.
• In conclusion, you have to list the references that you have cited in your assignment and try to make sure that you follow the APA style in your referencing.
Your assignment should be between 1000-1200 words and will be assessed based on the following aspects lifted in the rubric provided.