
Learn what a psychologist does

Essay question:

Pick a type of psychologist or a particular psychologist (ie.Freud)

Describe what he/she does (therapy? research? teaching? etc)

What kind of training/education does he/she need to become this type of psychologist (if you pick a specific psychologist, you don't have to write this) (ie. training for various intervention/therapy types? psychoanalytic training? Doctorate needed? etc)

What/which school of psychology does he/she incorporate in their work/practice? 

Give examples of what he/she does (what kind of research? therapy?teaching?etc)

You DO NOT have to include everything indicated above. 

As long as I can see what kind of psychologist does what type of things, it will be fine.

I want you to learn what a psychologist does. Since there are so many different schools or psychology out there, I ask you to pick one and describe.

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Science: Learn what a psychologist does
Reference No:- TGS049346

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