
Leaky tub and flaming watercraft charles finished college

"Leaky Tub and Flaming Watercraft." Charles finished college, got a good job, and decided to sell some used toys and buy newer ones. A used hot tub with a leak in it and a personal watercraft were at the top of the list. Charles offered to sell to Constance the hot tub for $500. Constance was interested but not willing to pay $500. She said "I'll give you $400." Charles said that he would think about it. Later, the same day, Charles offered to sell Donna the hot tub for $500. Donna said "Would you consider $450?" Charles said he would think on it. A few minutes later, Everett who had heard that Charles wanted to sell the hot tub accepted Charles' offer to sell for $500, and they agreed that the transfer would be made the next day. A few minutes later, Constance called saying that she accepted Charles' offer to sell the hot tub for $500. A few minutes after that, Donna called and told Charles that she accepted his offer to sell the hot tub for $500. Charles told Constance and Donna that he had already sold it, and they are angry, threatening to sue. Charles offered to sell the personal watercraft to Joan for $800. She said that she would think it over and let him know the next day. Unfortunately, through no fault of anyone, there was a fire at Charles' home that night and the personal watercraft burned. Joan called the next day and accepted before Charles could tell her the watercraft burned. When she found out about the fire, Joan told Charles that he had better come up with another watercraft, or she was going to sue.

What effect does the accidental destruction of the personal watercraft have on the deal between Charles and Joan?

a. Charles is in breach of contract and must purchase a similar watercraft to transfer to Joan.

b. Charles is in breach of contract and must pay Joan damages because she accepted before he could tell her about the fire.

c. Charles is not in breach of contract because an insufficient material term involving who would move the watercraft was omitted.

d. Charles is not in breach of contract because of destruction of the subject matter.

e. Charles is not in breach of contract because the offer was not sufficiently definite.

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Financial Management: Leaky tub and flaming watercraft charles finished college
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