
Leakages of multiplier and marginal efficiency of capital

1) What is meant by disposable income?

2) Write detailed note on propensity to save.

3) What do you understand by Marginal efficiency of capital?

4) Write a detailed note on Industrial policy.

5) What do you mean by privatization?

6) Write detailed note on cost of living.

7) What is meant byInternational trade?

8) Distinguish balance of trade from balance of payment.

9) Describe in detail about the leakages of multiplier.

10) Write down the factors determining inflation.

11) Write down the different functions of money.

12) Write down the various types of multiplier?

13) Write down the factors that are affecting national income.

14) Explain the different growth models in detail.

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Macroeconomics: Leakages of multiplier and marginal efficiency of capital
Reference No:- TGS013570

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