
Leading globally to create synergy for success

Leading globally to create synergy for success.

Imagine that you work for Apple (iphone division) and have been asked to lead a multicultural marketing team in India. How would you convene and run your meetings if you are based in the United States? What strategies might you employ to maximize the team's chances for success in business given the unique challenges that your team faces? How would these strategies (list and explain five strategies) enable you and your team to excel?

Please be reminded that you must support your position with specific examples and or references.

Readings and References are:

Chapters 4 & 6 from Adler, N. & Gunderson, A. (2001). International dimensions of organizational behavior. 5th ed. Mason, OH: South-Western and Chapter 8 from Northouse, P. (2010). Leadership: Theory and practice. 5th ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage

References to use:

Adler, N.    International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior 5th ed Chapter 4 &6 Northouse, P. Leadership.

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Marketing Management: Leading globally to create synergy for success
Reference No:- TGS01612061

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