
Leadership to improve ethical performance

Discuss the following:

Using Leadership to Improve Ethical Performance, you will conduct an interview with someone who you consider a leader (e.g., current or former boss, a pastor or spiritual advisor, a friend who can be considered a leader, etc.). You will then use the information that you gather during the interview to create about the leadership characteristics he / she possesses.

1. Identify an individual in your community that you believe to be leader.Contact the individual to determine if he / she will be able to participate in this project for school.

2. Provide a brief 2 paragraph biography of the selected person, which includes a description of the individual, his / her job title, and name the organization where he / she works.
a. Keeping employees motivated is an important to the organizational performance
b. Employees need to have hope
c. The environment of working need to be conducive
d. Employers like to feel appreciated

a. Promotion is an important way of ensuring that the employees are committed to deliver services
b. Promotion may involve increased compensation
c. Improving job experience
d. The nature of the work influences the employees motivation
e. Promotion improves the sense of ambition
The workers can be committed through giving of incentives
a. Employees in companies that have little opportunity for promotion give bonuses

b. Ensuring pay increase can be an important to promote motivation
c. Career development as an incentive to keep employees
d. Employers can allow entry level employees to start their own teams in the company
e. The communication systems and strategies for the organizations can promote motivation of employees
f. Managers communication and interaction with employees promotes their commitment to work
g. The interaction with the immediate supervisors promotes the experience of the employees
h. Addressing the complains of the employees helps them to remain committed to the job
i. Recognition and acknowledgement of the performance of employees can promote their motivation

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HR Management: Leadership to improve ethical performance
Reference No:- TGS01754310

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