
leadership theory provide a summary on one of the

Leadership Theory: Provide a summary on one of the leadership theories

Provide a summary on one of the following leadership theories:

1. Charismatic leadership
2. Transformation leadership
3. Leadership substitutes theory
4. Cognitive resources theory
5. LPC contingency model
6. Multiple-linkage model
7. Path-goal theory
8. Situational leadership theory
9. Social exchange theory
10. Strategic contingencies theory

The summary should 1) identify the theory and individuals associated with the theory, 2) provide a clear description and/or conceptual illustration of the theory, 3) select at least two current articles, books, reports, etc. results of research studies based on the selected theory, and provide a summary of the findings for each in APA format; use APA format for the author citations. Include the citations at the end of each paper, and 4) provide at least one idea for describing a condition or situation where behaviors associated with the selected theory may be considered for effective leadership practice.

The leadership theory paper MUST identify individuals associated with the theory.

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Business Management: leadership theory provide a summary on one of the
Reference No:- TGS0471551

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