
Leadership style and organization performance and to assess

Title - Leadership style and organization performance

Objective - To assess the influence of different lairdship style to organization performance

Step Four: Examples of secondary data sources:

1. Secondary data such as:
- Textbooks
- Articles in academic publications
- Conference papers
- Reports
- Published statistics
- Annual reports and accounts
- Popular media e.g. newspapers, broadcasts
- Electronic databases
- Internet

2. You need at least 20 sufficient references

3. You must use Harvard Referencing system within the assignment text and at the end of the assignment.

4. Arrange them Alphabetically

5. Start with:
- Books.
- Articles
- Websites

First: Conducting a literature review:
- Start as soon as possible
- Decide on the scope e.g. timescales or geography
- Key word identification
- Identify quality research articles i.e. discuss the methodology, results and conclusions

a Use the references to guide to other sources

Second: When writing up:
- Define terms
- Select only relevant material
- Group material into categories
- Draw out important features
- Make comparisons of results
-Beffil critical

Third: Writing the literature review The literature review should:
- Summarise the main ideas, issues & debates
- Link these to your assignment question.
- Link these to your findings.

Step Seven: Avoid Common Mistakes

1. Never write comma after that

2. (At) always after aim

3. Poor subject choice - not enough research

4. Un-SMART objectives

5. Poor presentation

6. Little theoretical foundation

7. Descriptive and repetitive

8. Little effort

Step Eight: Make sure that you have successful Project Characteristics of successful Project:
- Evidence of depth and breadth of relevant and contemporary research
- Ability to analyse, evaluate and argue
- Clear and logical structure
- Appropriate application of theoretical concepts and models
- Professional presentation

Do Not

- Leave your research to the last minute - this assignment will take longer than you think
- Not communicate with your supervisor - they are there to guide you
- Just summarise your research findings without adding any commentary
- Expect to write your review once - you need to be prepared to edit and refine

Finally: What your supervisor will be looking for:

You must demonstrate:


Appreciation of the limitations of current research

- Transparency i.e. clear writing and referencing.

The Task:

This is an individual assignment and a progress report.

1. You are required to undertake, analyse and critically assess the literature in a given business - related area and formulate research questions or objectives agreed with your supervisor/adviser in the given subject area and construct an argument employing relevant and valid evidence in support of a conclusion that directly addresses the problem posed by the research questions or objectives.

2. A progress report. Project Assessment

SMART topic with a comprehensive introduction containing a research question or objective in the given subject area.

Level of analysis and critical literature review of resources.

Resources selections - appropriate in respect of the given subject area and contemporary, breadth and depth

Construct an argument employing relevant and valid evidence in support of a conclusion that directly addresses the problem posed by the research questions or objectives.

Presentation - Accurate referencing, structure and language proficiency.

The main-purpose-of-this-assessment-is-to-enable-the-students-to extend-and--- deepen their knowledge of an aspect of a business related subject area appropriate to their award. They will apply a range of secondary research skills covered in the Research Methods subject.

Literature: The term literature is being used here in the academic sense to refer not only to the text books but also to the wide range of other available information sources such as papers in the academic publication, database, and university websites and so on. Although in a few subjects it may be acceptable to draw upon a limited number of non-academic resources, in an analysis of this type, students are expected to refer to academic resources such text books, academic on university web-sites and the like.

Progress Report Writing:

Identify and describe in chronological order the activities undertaken during the month specified. At the end of every month make a conference with your adviser to discuss issue/s or problem/s in doing the project.


The Project Module structure will be as follows:

Chosen title (student choice according to specialisation) 'Introduction

A brief introduction about the topic 3 p ragraphs (250 Words Approximately)

In one paragraph - The questions or objectives

Literature Review (1500 Words Approximately) (As Main body)

conclusions-(250 Words Approximately) Total Words all together 2000

Topic generation techniques:

1. Brainstorming
2. Mind maps
3. Relevance trees
4. Reading relevant publications
5. Communication with module leader/supervisor

Step one: Choose a topic
- The topic should be SMART which means:
1. Specific
2. Measurable
3. Achievable
4. Realistic
5. Timed

- Step Four: Examples of secondary data sources:
1. Selecting References:
Articles in academic publications
Conference papers
Published statistics
Annual reports and accounts
Popular media e.g. newspapers, broadcasts Electronic databases
e Internet

Step Four Four
2. You need at least 20 sufficient references
3. You must use Harvard Referencing system within the assignment text and at the end of the assignment.
4. Arrange them Alphabetically IF-Start with:
- Books.
- Articles
- Websites

Third Writing the literature review
The literature review should:
- Summarise the main ideas, issues & debates
- Link these to your assignment's question.
- Link these to your findings.

Fourth: Writing style
. Use a consistent style of writing throughout the your project.
2. Tie the ideas you are reviewing to your own work.
3. Discuss how your research extends ideas that you are reviewing.
4. Compare your work to that of others.

1. Research
2. Analysis
3. Prioritisation
4. Concise writing
5. Organisation
6. Time management
7. Consistency
8. Spelling

Step Six: Conclusions

Should include:
- Findings
- Results
- Recommendations

1. Agree on a working title

2. Discuss research objectives

3. Evaluate-research-undertaken-to-date

4. Any other project related concerns

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Dissertation: Leadership style and organization performance and to assess
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