
Leadership research paper


Leadership Research Paper Worth 100 points. DUE Friday

Pick a leader who is well known enough that they can be researched on the Internet.

Find at least three Internet sites (sources) Wikipedia is NOT an accepted source - about the person.

Write a paper discussing the success of this leader as it relates to one of the leadership theories discussed in the text (you must identify and also discuss the theory and how the leader reflects this theory) .

Discuss the impact of their leadership on the organization that they were involved with.

Be sure to incorporate organizational communication benefits and approaches this leader uses or used.

Your paper should be 4-5 pages in length (not including the cover page and reference page), font 12 double spaced, APA format, with a cover page and a reference page (each separate). Please be sure to cite sources internally within your paper and at the end of your paper. Grammatical and structural formatting errors will impact your grade. Please use the APA guide at the beginning of this class to assist you in your paper. Please submit as a word document (0-20 points).

Remember: A research paper is finding information. It is always written in the 3rd person. Since you will be stating facts from a source - you need to cite the source immediately after the sentence that states the facts your are stating.

Leadership Research Paper

Pick a leader who is well known enough that they can be researched on the Internet.

Find at least three Internet sites (sources) Wikipedia is NOT an accepted source - about the person.

Write a paper discussing the success of this leader as it relates to one of the leadership theories discussed in the text (you must identify and also discuss the theory and how the leader reflects this theory) .

Discuss the impact of their leadership on the organization that they were involved with.

Be sure to incorporate organizational communication benefits and approaches this leader uses or used.

Your paper should be 4-5 pages in length (not including the cover page and reference page), font 12 double spaced, APA format, with a cover page and a reference page (each separate). Please be sure to cite sources internally within your paper and at the end of your paper. Grammatical and structural formatting errors will impact your grade. Please use the APA guide at the beginning of this class to assist you in your paper. Please submit as a word document

Remember: A research paper is finding information. It is always written in the 3rd person. Since you will be stating facts from a source - you need to cite the source immediately after the sentence that states the facts your are stating.

This assignment will undertake information-seeking research of a company that you would like to work for in the future. I encourage you to look for the company home page which may include links to annual reports, job openings, policies and procedures, profit and loss statements, etc. This is the type of research you should undertake before going on an employment interview.

• Identify the company you researched.

• Thoroughly describe the type of company it is and give a thorough explanation of the job you would be hypothetically interviewing for this should include a job description).

• Describe the types of interview formats that this particular company may be apt to use (or you would expect them to use). Please be sure to use the concepts of this chapter as the resource (be sure to cite within and at the end of your assignment).

• What are some of the interview best practices that you would use during these types of interviews?

• What types of questions do you think the interviewer of this company would prefer asking? Why?

• What type of sequence style do you believe would be used? Why?

• Write out FOUR Sample questions that would help a potential employer identify a candidate who could "raise the bar". Label each question s to its type (such as direct, open, etc.). Give an explanation of what the best answer would include and what an unacceptable answer would include.

Please be sure to cite the source of where you obtained your company information from and any other supporting information you used to answer these question. Your grade will be based on the thoroughness of answering the questions in this assignment and your ability to connect the concepts of the chapter. Your overview should be approximately 3 pages long.

Part 1: Based on the assignment for Chapter and the information obtained about a company/organization you would like to work for in the future; carefully prepare a letter of application/cover letter following the guidelines in Chapter 8. Please be sure to relate it specifically to the company and person you are writing and to reflect your knowledge based on research about the company.

Part 2: Please create and post YOUR Resume' (please do NOT use someone else resume') and (mock) cover letter for a potential position you would like to potentially apply for. If you do not have a resume', this is a good opportunity to begin one. Please use the guidelines in Chapter 8 to assist you. Post both the resume' and cover letter for all students to look at (submit as word files). This will give each of you the opportunity to give constructive and respectful feedback to each other. Block out any identifiable information from your Resume and Cover letter by using XXXX to block it out.

Identify a time when you were part of a Problem solving group. Describe what the problem was and what the task of the group was.
Using Chapter 9 as a guide: Briefly go through the basic problem -solving procedure and clearly outline the steps and what occurred during each of these steps within your group.

Discuss how your group did with each step. Was a step omitted? What could have been done to prevent any difficulties that may have occurred.

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HR Management: Leadership research paper
Reference No:- TGS02008641

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