Leadership of talent management strategies

 "International Events":

1. Note that the publication dates in the references in this chapter (Talent Management: An Annotated Bibliography from the textbook Strategy-Driven Talent Management, Rob Silzer & Ben Dowell) appear as pre-2008 years. Within the ensuring years from 2008 forward, discuss three key international events that may affect the leadership of talent management strategies. (Please add references if possible).

"Updated Strategies":

1. As you speculate how world events may have affected talent management, determine a method to refresh the talent management strategy of your organization. Keeping in mind that the world is ever changing and the needs to find and develop talent are changing and the needs to find and develop talent are changing along with it, describe how an updated approach is necessary and what it would look like. (Please add references if possible).

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Other Management: Leadership of talent management strategies
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