
leadership experience for campusstate eventto

Leadership Experience for Campus/State Event

To serve as leader/co-leaders for entertainment portion such as Chinese Spring13 Festival at any campus in the state to develop and execute a plan for the overall leadership experience.


- Brief explanation of what the benefits are from getting involved in such an event for leadership experience and why you chose this particular experience.

- Statement of the experience leadership vision (what you want to achieve and why it's important) and 2-3 goals for this experience.

5 categories in the event

1. Food. (400-500 meal to serve)

2. Money. (Sponsor and donation inside-outside campus to reach budget $2500-3000)

3. Performance. (Around 8 shows such as singing, dance, Chinese traditional music...)

4. Decoration. (Writing names in Chinese, etc...)

5. Advertisement. (Sending e-mail to attend the event, Ad in campus/union, and local TV/newspaper to cover the event

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Business Management: leadership experience for campusstate eventto
Reference No:- TGS0471198

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