
Leadership and performance at swissport oman -

Title: leadership and performance at swissport oman (It's a ground handling at the airport)

Change Management

Case: Managing Change
Analysis of a Hypothetical Case

Joan S. Ash, PhD, MLS, MBA, James G. Anderson, PhD, Paul N. Gorman, MD, Rita D, Zielstorff, RN, MS, Natalie Norcross, MLIS, Jody Pettit, MD, and Patricia Yao BS

Outline for Managing & Leading Change
Long Assignment - Case Analysis

I. Introduction
1.1 Change Management (define with proper citation; discuss briefly)
1.2 Objectives of the Assignment ( refer to the tasks required for the case assignment)

II. Content and Analysis
2.1 Background of the Case. Give important data and key information; identify the needs, problems or concerns in the case that needs to be addressed; and trace the root cause of it.)
2.2 Types of Organisational Change. Discuss and critically evaluate the different types of organisational change learned from class discussions. Give cited works and cite properly.
2.3 Type of Change CEO Wants to Implement. Based on the answers in 2.2, Identify and critically analyse the type of change that the CEO of Mercer Medical Center wants to implement. Support analysis with works/materials that are
properly cited.
2.4 Change Theory that can be Implemented. If you were the Medical Director of Information Services, Kathryn Reed, what change theory would you use to overcome workers' resistance to change and drive success to the case situation?

Leadership Theory that can be Implemented. If you were the Medical Director of Information Services, Kathryn Reed, what leadership theory would you use to overcome workers' resistance to change and drive success to the case situation?

Support analysis with works/materials that are properly cited.

2.5 Communication Plan for continuous change management. (presented in a tabular form with textual explanation below)

III. Conclusion (summary of the major highlights or points of the case; the leaming received in relation to the objectives of the assignment)

IV. References (follow Harvard Style of Referencing; at least 15 references not older that 2007 from varied sources; classify your references according to: a. Books b. Journals c. Articles d. Thesis/dissertation e. Online Sources).
a. Books
b. Journals
c. Thesis/Dissertations
d. Online Sources



Research objective:

Literature Review: (5 paragraphs each 100 words)

Research Philosophy, approach and strategy: (300 words)

Explain in general what do you mean by research philosophy.

Then state the types of philosophies given below:

Research philosophy:
1. Postivism
2. Post Postivism
3. Realism
4. Interpretivism
5. Phenomenology

Now choose one from the above and state the reason why you have chosen that particular philosophy

Explain in general what do you mean by research approach?

Research approach: Two types
1. Inductive approach
2. Deductive approach
State the reason why you choose inductive approach

Explain in general what do you mean by research strategy
Research strategy with the nature of inductive approach where as follows:
1. Survey
2. Ethnography
3. Grounded theory strategy

Choose one among these three.
Ethical implications in this research: (100 words)

Research Methodology: (400 words)
1. Research Design: Explain in general What do you mean by research design?
There are three types: Choose one
a. Descriptive analysis
b. Empirical analysis
c. Analytical analysis

2. Sampling:
First explain what sampling technique you have chosen for your study
Probability Sampling Methods:
a. Simple random sampling technique
b. Systematic random sampling technique

3. Data Collection methods:
Primary data: through Questionnaires
Secondary data through : books , journals and internet

4. Tools used for analysis: Percentage analysis

5. Structure of questionnaire:

4 Close ended questions for doing quantitative analysis and one Open ended question for doing qualitative analysis.

Task: (400 Words)
Data analysis and interpretation:

Chart 1-4
Chart title:
Draw pie chart

1422_pie chart.jpg

Give inference: From the above it is clear that 70% strongly agree 10% agree and 10% disagree as well as 10% strongly disagree to the ....

Chart 2-4
Chart title:
Draw pie chart

2312_pie chart1.jpg

Give reference:

Chart 3-4
Chart title:
Draw pie chart

1540_pie chart2.jpg

Give reference:

Chart 4-4
Chart title:
Draw pie chart

1655_pie chart3.jpg

Give reference; The fifth and final question answer to the suggestions provided by the

References: (15 references which should include book reference, journal references and internet references)

Prepare unfilled questionnaires and attach with the assignment.

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Business Management: Leadership and performance at swissport oman -
Reference No:- TGS02555981

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