
Leadership and management in healthcare systems


Leadership and Management in Healthcare Systems

This is a graduate level course: Leadership and Management in Healthcare Systems.

Project Description:

Prepare a four to six page paper that articulates your personal leadership style. This is an opportunity to synthesize your development plan with the leadership theory studied. APA style.

Leadership Theory:

Describe your personal leadership style synthesizing the course material of different leadership theory (Northouse text).

Think about a current significant problem your department, company or industry currently facing. Describe the problem being as specific as possible about the specific issue: causal factors, current and potential future impact to staff, management, operations, finances and the community.

Leadership Application - Specific Problem:

Describe how you would apply your personal leadership style to impact a solution for the problem stated above. Be specific in the actions that would be taken and the expected outcomes.

Critically analyze how your leadership style would impact resolution of the problem identified - highlighting strengthsAND criticisms.
Leadership Application - General:

Comment on how you will incorporate cultural competency into your leadership style - be specific.

Comment on how you will incorporate ethical considerations into your leadership style - be specific.

Review your self-development plan completed in Week 6 and comment of how it relates to your leadership style. Are there any changes you would make to your development plan?

Assessment and Evaluation:

Part of your development plan is time frames to complete development activities. How will you evaluate your current plan (what do I need to do now) and how will you perform ongoing self assessments (how will you continue to identify and address your development needs). Include discussion of your evaluation methods, frequency and tools.

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Other Management: Leadership and management in healthcare systems
Reference No:- TGS01807266

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