
Leaders in the catholic church

Please answer the question.

1. Among leaders in the Catholic Church (priests, nuns, bishops, etc…), dress plays an important role in marking their identity. Give three examples using the film (Inside the Vatican). Why do you think it might be useful to identify someone so easily by their appearance? Think about what you learned from the priest at St. Paul’s.

2. Greek Orthodox monks and the Amish use dress for similar purposes. Describe the dress of each group and how it fits into their lives. Do you see any important differences in terms of appearance and/or social function?

3. Besides the groups we examined in class, there are several other Christian denominations that have special forms of dress (either for leaders or the whole group). Pick one from the list below… look for an article or video online if there’s nothing in the textbook (cite your source)… and describe that group’s body supplements and/or modifications (clothing, hair, jewelry, hats, etc…). What do they require?

What do they forbid? Why?

– Mennonite

– Hutterite

– Pentacostal

– Holiness

– Anglican

– Coptic Orthodox

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